「就任のご挨拶」 令和4年2月7日
嬉野市長 村上 大祐
As a result of the recent election, I had the honor of being re-elected as mayor and will continue my service leading the city. I will continue to do my utmost to meet the expectations of our citizens. In particular, this year will see the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen Line. I am determined to mobilize the wisdom of various people and vigorously promote the development of a city that we can be proud of for the next century.
In the election campaign, our slogan was "Protect. Shine. Change". From these core ideas we have outlined concrete policies in a wide range of fields. "Protect" refers to our measures to protect citizens from natural disasters, accidents, and the threat of the new coronavirus strains. "Shine" means to make the city a place where every individual can shine, by promoting the activities of women, promoting school education, and making life easy and enjoyable for the elderly. "Change" refers to the on-gong reform of city operations and the enhancement of citizen services in light of this current period of great change, including the ever-evolving developments of digital technology. In particular, in light of disasters caused by the torrential rains of August last year, we will work to hasten the recovery and reconstruction of the city. We will also utilize computer technologies with hardware and software disaster prevention measures in cooperation with the national government and Saga Prefecture.
I am 39 years old. As a member of very conscientious generation, I will take charge with my eyes focused on the future. With this re-election as an opportunity, I will return to my original hopes and goals for the city over next four years, working so that our dreams of Ureshino City
can take flight. "Ureshii wo issho ni!" Let us share the joy and create a new era together.
Daisuke Murakami
Mayor of Ureshino city
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平成30年度市長ふれあいトークの結果について(83KB; PDFファイル)