外国人の方が住所変更等をするときWhen Foreign Residents need to make a change of address

新規に上陸許可を受け入国した方 Those newly admitted into the country

住居地の届出 Notification of Residence Form


Please be sure to notify your local municipality within 14 days of your residence being confirmed.You need to bring you Residence Card and Passport (For those who don`t yet have a residence card, you only need to bring you passport.)



When you come to notify that you`ve moved into the city, the head of the household and another person from the same house hold must provide proof that they are related. (A birth certificate/ wedding certificate that was issued in Japan.)

Please note that a Japanese translation is required for documents that can prove the relationship with the head of household.

日本国内での住所変更手続 Domestic Change of Address Procedure


Those who have proof of permanent residence, a residence card, and changed their address inJapan (previous and current residence are in Japan), you have to submit a change of address form.For additional information, please refer to the following items, Moving in Form, Changing of Form,and Moving out Form. Furthermore, if you plan to move out of the country, you will need to notify your local municipality. The same also applies if you get approved for re-entry.

必要なもの Required Items


Either bring proof of permanent residency or your Residence Card.

窓口の受付時間 Reception Counter Hours

塩田庁舎 市民課、嬉野庁舎 市民課

Shiota Office, Department of Citizen Services; Ureshino Office, Department of Citizen Services Weekdays (Mon-Fri) From 8:30 am to 5:15 pm

子どもが生まれた方 Those with children



If you have a child in Japan, the first thing you need to do is submit the birth certificate to the person in charge in the Department of Citizen Services. Furthermore, If both parents, or one parent who is a permanent resident come to apply for permanent residency for the child, you will need to do so at the city hall.

申請方法 How to Apply


Please come to the reception desk within 60 days of giving birth

申請できる人 Who can Apply


Either parent

必要なもの Required Items

  • 子どものパスポート(交付されていない場合は御相談ください)
  • The child`s passport(if it hasn`t been issued yet, please contact us.)
  • 出生届の受理証明書(嬉野市外で出生届を出した場合・特別永住許可申請をする場合)
  • Birth certificate acceptance form(If you going to submit it outside of Ureshino/Apply for permanent residence)

手数料 Handling Fee





嬉野庁舎 市民課

塩田庁舎 市民課


【開庁時間】 平日 8:30〜17:15
